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  • 友善列印(開啟新視窗)
  • 發佈日期:2019-05-31
  • 發佈單位:新北市政府水利局
  • 類 別:機關新聞
新北市「大臺北都會公園」榮獲2019全球卓越建設獎肯定Press Release of the High Riverbank Construction Management Office, New Taipei City Government, May 31, 2019New Taipei Metropolitan Park Receives the 2019 FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence

新聞稿內容詳洽:新北市政府高灘地工程管理處 養護工程科 正工程司蔡文中
新聞連絡人:新北市政府高灘地工程管理處 林玲君

Press Release of the High Riverbank Construction Management Office, New Taipei City Government, May 31, 2019
New Taipei Metropolitan Park Receives the 2019 FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence
【New Taipei City News】 The award ceremony of the 2019 FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence is being held in Moscow on May 31 at 2 am Taipei Time. For the first time, the New Taipei City Government has won silver prize for public sector infrastructure, as decided by the overseas panel of judges, for the New Taipei Metropolitan Park construction project. This is its second time receiving such an award, following the receipt of the World Prix d’Excellence gold prize in 2018.
New Taipei City has a population of 4 million people. The City Government created a favorable living environment in the surroundings of the Erchong Floodway by introducing open spaces in densely populated areas such as Wugu, Xinzhuang, Sanzhong, and Luzhou. Using the riverside area of the floodway as the center, the city government adopted an environmental recreation strategy in building a large green belt in the Greater Taipei metropolitan area to provide a leisure area for citizens. In addition, the idea of sustainable watershed management was implemented to maintain the landscape and facilities, ensure the safety of this area, and deliver to citizens a space to interact with the river, the scenery, and nature.
In the New Taipei Metropolitan Park, the embankment and the riverbank both underwent landscape engineering with an emphasis on creating a welcoming space that facilities diverse activities and integrates local characteristics, constructing an enjoyable oasis featuring low carbon emissions, green life, and coexistence with the environment. Receiving the 2019 FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence enhanced the profile and visibility of the New Taipei Metropolitan Park worldwide, encouraging more citizens to visit this oasis of greenery.

Contact point for news release content: Wen-chung Tsai, Engineer at the Division of Maintenance Engineering, High Riverbank Construction Management Office, New Taipei City Government
Telephone: (02)8969-9596#511
Contact point for news: Ling-chun Lin, High Riverbank Construction Management Office, New Taipei City Government
Telephone: (02)8969-9596#610
  • 聯絡人:梁浩彬
  • 聯絡單位:新北市政府水利局
  • 聯絡電話:02-29603456轉4716